Below are some open-ended questions that assist gauge your family’s time, emotional, and (when appropriate, financial) budgets:
1. Have you ever been through the loss of a pet before? If so, what was your experience (good or bad, and why)?
2. What do you hope the life expectancy of your pet will be? What do you think it will be?
3. What is the ideal situation you wish for your pet’s end of life experience? (at home, pass away in her sleep, etc.)
Suggestions on using this quality-of-life scale:
1. Complete the scale at different times of the day, note circadian fluctuations in well-being. (We find most pets tend to do worse at night and better during the day.)
2. Request multiple members of the family complete the scale; compare observations.
3. Take periodic photos of your pet to help you remember their physical appearance.
1. AAHA/AAFP Pain Management Guidelines for Dogs and Cats,
2. Online hospice journal and quality-of-life scale: